به کارخونه مشاور املاک صنعتی خوش آمدید


Column 'agent' in WHERE is ambiguous SQL=SELECT p.*, a.id AS agentid, a.name AS agent, a.user AS user,t.parent, t.name AS type_name, p.type AS typeid, i.standard, i.thumb, i.title, c.name as city_name, d.title as ads_type_title, d.adsicon_small as adsicon_small FROM (dos_hp_properties AS p) LEFT JOIN dos_hp_agents AS a ON p.agent = a.id LEFT JOIN dos_hp_prop_types AS t ON p.type = t.id LEFT JOIN dos_hp_featured as f ON f.property = p.id LEFT JOIN dos_hp_photos as i on i.property=p.id LEFT JOIN dos_hp_prop_city as c on c.id=p.state LEFT JOIN dos_adsfees as d on d.alias=p.ads_type WHERE ((i.ordering=1) or (i.ordering is null)) AND p.published='1' AND p.approved='1' AND t.published='1' AND agent='1784' group by p.id ORDER BY p.publish_down < NOW(), p.featured DESC,p.priority DESC,p.modified DESC LIMIT 0, 999
نام شرکت : توسعه صنعت
نام مسئول : bagheri ,
ایمیل : پست الکترونیک
تلفن تماس : +982188434196 - 09121142170
نمابر :
آدرس : سهروردی شمالی
وب سایت :
زمینه فعالیت
واردکننده ماشین آلات صنعتی صنایع غذایی

تمام آگهی های bagheri
موردي يافت نشد

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